Tired Mum holding baby with face mask on

Protect your nest: Life insurance tips for Mums

Whether you’re known as Mum or Mummy, or you’re still waiting for that first “Mama” from your little one, let’s talk about something important but often shuffled to the bottom of the pile: life insurance.

It may sound daunting, but being without a life insurance policy as a Mum could leave your family in a tricky spot if the worst happened to you.

Why should mums think about life insurance?

Being a mum is a lot of work, but if you know, you know - it’s so worth it!

For any stay-at-home mums: even if you’re not earning a monthly income, you’re doing a job worth its weight in gold. Did you know that almost half of working-age women in the UK do up to 45 hours of unpaid care a week?*

That’s like a full-time job and then some! If something were to happen to you, a life insurance payout could be a massive help for your partner and kids.

First-time mums - listen up!

Are you preparing for a new arrival? Between choosing the perfect paint for the nursery and picking out the softest onesies, it’s easy to overlook life insurance.

But it’s just as important as the crib your little one will be sleeping in. Only 27% of first-time parents think to cover their new family with life insurance, but it’s a safety net you don’t want to skip.** It’s about ensuring those pesky debts and the mortgage don’t become unwanted legacies.

Simplifying life insurance options

Are you confused with all the life insurance choices out there? Let’s simplify it:

  • Critical illness cover: Think of this as your “just in case” fund. It’s a tax-free lump sum for you if serious illness strikes.

  • Income protection: Juggling a career and kids? This one’s for you. This policy can cover a chunk of your income if illness or injury suddenly interrupts your work life.

  • Level term life insurance: This is your set-it-and-forget-it option, with a fixed payout during a term length that suits you. Perfect to leave as a nest egg for your loved ones if the worst happened to you.

  • Mortgage protection: Got a mortgage? If you’re a homeowner, you need this policy. This cover ensures your family won’t struggle with the burden of your mortgage if you’re not around.

  • Whole of life insurance: The ultimate peace of mind, covering you for the rest of your life and leaving a tax-free sum for your loved ones in the event of your death.

What about the kids?

Yes, you can even add children’s critical illness cover to your policy, helping cover everything from trips to the hospital to special family days out if the worst happens. It’s a small cost for a big comfort.

Single mums, life insurance is an essential

Single parenting with your mini-me(s)?

You’re doing an incredible job, and life insurance is doubly essential for you. It’s not just about covering the financials; it’s about ensuring your child’s future is secure, no matter what.

What is the best type of life insurance for mums?

It really depends on you—your life, your kids, your worries. Whether you need critical illness cover or income protection, it’s worth discussing.

After all, every mum and her children are unique. As a broker, we can explain life insurance to you and make it easy for you and your loved ones.

How much will it cost?

Life insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s tailored to your life, your family, and your needs. If you’re curious about costs, that’s why we’re here. As a broker, we can provide options based on your budget.

The sweet spot is cover that fits just right, giving your family the financial support they’d need without overextending your budget.

Is insurance worth It?

Absolutely. Beyond the numbers and the “what-ifs,” it’s about peace of mind.

Knowing you’ve got a plan in place is a relief that’s hard to beat. Ready to explore your options? Why wait? Get started with a free quote today!

*The Guardian