Mother reading book to her daughter

What is a level life insurance policy and why do we recommend it?

We’re assuming you’ve heard of life insurance before. But have you heard of ‘level life insurance’? If the answer is no then keep reading - we promise that level life insurance is a lot less complicated than it sounds, it’s actually one of the most simple forms of life insurance there is!

What is a level life insurance policy?

Put simply, level life insurance is a type of policy where your cover amount will stay the same throughout the duration of your policy.

This cover is one of the most popular types of life insurance due to its simplicity and its ability to be completely tailored to your needs.

Deciding the amount and term length

The beauty of using Busy Bee to help set up your life insurance policy is you can rest easy knowing that we can help you with making all the big decisions.

Generally, the amount of cover we will recommend is based on the amount of money you earn on a yearly basis. Our specialists will take into consideration your earnings along with several other factors in order to tailor a policy to your specific financial priorities.

Why do we recommend this policy?

This type of policy is ideal if you want to ensure your loved ones will be financially taken care of if the worst were to happen to you. The lump sum from this policy could ensure that your family would be able to afford to get by without you.

When you have children, more often than not, your main financial priority will be them. At Busy Bee, we have a team of young family specialists so that when a parent gets in touch with us, they will be able to recommend the right type of cover for their needs.

How can we help?

There’s so many different types of life insurance available so it’s hard to know which one is right for you. But at Busy Bee, our savvy life insurance experts can offer specialist advice based on the information you provide.

If you want to get started on your free quote, click the button below where you’ll be taken to a new page and simply asked a few quick questions so we know a little more about you! From there we can send you a quick quote so you have a rough idea of what you could be paying for your policy. Start your life insurance journey today and see how our award winning service can help you!